Patients greatly appreciate when their primary care optometrist refers them and/or their children to Dr. Judson so that their visual difficulties can be remediated. Patients greatly respect doctors that discuss the option of vision therapy with them and refer them on.
Dr. Judson strives to have great communication between her referring optometrists and her office so that you feel comfortable referring your patients for specialty care. She strives to keep you aware of patient’s progress as their visual system heels with vision therapy treatment. Dr. Judson does not dispense glasses or contact lenses, and she doesn’t treat pathology. Those are your specialties, and she relies on your expertise to provide exceptional service. If she determines that a patient may need glasses or contacts, or needs a change in prescription, she will return those patients to your office for this care.What types of cases does Dr. Judson specialize in?
- Strabismus
- Amblyopia
- Convergence / Divergence Disorders
- Accommodative Disorders
- Tracking Disorders
- Visual Perceptual Deficiencies
- Vision problems associated with traumatic brain injuries
- Vision-related learning problems
- Vision differences in patients with autism spectrum disorder
Referring a patient to our Terre Haute eye doctor
You may refer a patient to our office by either calling us at 812-232-1000 or downloading and faxing the vision therapy consultation form below.
The initial consultation with our vision therapy specialist in Terre Haute is at no charge to your patient for her to discuss with your patient is vision therapy is a viable treatment for their visual difficulties/particular case.
Vision Therapy Consultation Referral Form